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Kayla Itsines’ bikini body guide for all times


There are many people who complain that they lose weight when they join a gym but the day they discontinue their gym membership, the lost weight returns like a long lost friend and refuses to leave. That is because some people have discontinued exercises because there is no one to assist them now. When it comes to women, this is not much of an option as few can manage to hit the gym. Then the fitness goals of different women are different. Kayla Itsines, a fitness instructor, who can be referred to as a fitness motivator, has tried to address different concerns of women in her comprehensive guides, for two different levels.

The two modes in Kayla Itsines fitness guide


Kayla is herself a fitness enthusiast. She equates a healthy body to a fit body. That is why her guides, weeks 1-12 and weeks 13-24 follow a proper guide to fitness. Those who wish to attain a fit and perfect bikini body with toned legs and abdomen will have to follow each instruction in a disciplined matter and will have to adhere to them daily. There is no short cut to fitness in Kayla Itsines’ guides but what she promises is an effective and healthy way to attain fitness. There are two main modes she uses to in her bikini body guides – a good nutritional diet and proper exercises.


Kayla has been a fitness instructor for women for the past 7 years and in this period, she came across all types of issues faced by women with regards to fitness. That is when she realized that the conventional forms of exercises that have been in vogue all these years are not enough and that women of today needs something unique. So, the Kayla Itsines bikini guide for weeks 1-12 guide to help women get a great bikini body. In this she has addressed not only specific fitness doubts but she has also put up a proper nutritional diet for everyone to follow.

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